Capture Ideas in Your Ruled Notebook

2 min readMay 3, 2021


If you are in a creative field where you need to come up with fresh ideas very often then you should consider having a ruled notebook around. You might wonder why, after all, the ideas are in your head and you can reach for them whenever you want. Well, wrong! Your head is busy with so much all the time with work responsibilities and personal issues, stress and whatnot that your ideas often get lost in the maze. The best of ideas often come during a time when you are neck deep in work and the idea just gets pushed to the back and later you can’t just track that one again. If you too go through similar problems then you should immediately grab the ruled notebook. Here’s why.

How the Ruled Notebook Can Help?

  • If you carry a single ruled notebook with you then you can write down the ideas in the book whenever you want. Just open the notebook and write down. However, not all ideas might develop later, but still you should keep track of the ideas . This will help you understand the flow of your thoughts and when you get time later you would easily be able to go through the ideas that you have written down and work on them.
  • Sometimes when an idea pops in your head, it could be just a fraction of a big idea. The idea might not have fully developed yet, so you should consider writing that fraction in the notebook, Later on when you actually work on that idea you could think further and think it through and fully develop the idea then. In fact, there could be different strands of ideas that would come together and you would come up with something really vivid and constructive later. Something that would grow to be a beautifully composed literary work, or, something else.
  • The notebook could also be the perfect platform where you can work on your ideas. You might start on a project for which you need ideas and you can use the notebook where you can write different ideas and make a list and upon much revision and reflection you would be able to come up with the idea that is right.

So, keep your notebook always with you, because you never know when an idea might hit.




Written by Gowitheleven


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